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Let our lawyers handle and monitor your cases according to the regulations. You pay a fixed price, nothing more.  We make sure that you follow the regulations.

0-249 employees

790 SEK/month

SEK 0 starting fee

All reporting channels required by law

Handling of unlimited amount of cases

Personalized support

>249 employees


Starting fee in offer

All reporting channels required by law

Handling of unlimited amount of cases

Personalized support

0-249 employees

1190 SEK/month

SEK 0 starting fee

All reporting channels required by law

Handling & investigation of unlimited amount of cases

Personalized support

We are unique in offering investigation as a part of the fixed price.

Reports need to be reviewed within 7 days. Thereafter, we'll provide you with a recommendation. If the case needs to be investigated, you have 3 months to complete it.


In our larger package you will get the investigation included in the fixed price, no matter the number of cases we investigate. In the smaller package you'll get unlimited amount of case reviews, and have to pay on a case by case if it needs investigation.

Everything is included

Policy & routine

We establish a document for your organization that complies with whistleblowing regulations. You just upload it to your intranet and inform employees with our presentation material.

Oral, physical meetings and mail (legal requirement)

We are responsible for all other channels for reporting: oral channel via phone, mail and physical meetings with lawyers all over Sweden. These points are requirements of the regulations.

Web portal

With a link to your own reporting system, everyone in your organization gets a safe, secure and anonymous reporting channel.


Finally, we compile a recommendation on what the next step regarding whistleblowing is and let you know.

Monitoring & management

We monitor and handle incoming whistleblowing and initiate contact with the whistleblower to gather the necessary information.

Every language

Our platform supports all languages. This means improved opportunities for whistleblowers, something the regulation calls for.

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