One web link, then you are compliant
We offer the smoothest and fastest implementation in the market. All you need to do i publish a web link to our platform, and then you're fully compliant. We'll handle the rest.
Through our link you will get
Whistleblower policy
We publish your policies and routines for whistleblowing in the web link, simple as that.
Whistleblower function
The regulation requires that you offer whistleblowers a physical, oral and written channel for reporting. Our link includes all of them in one place.
Reception function
Let us handle your cases. Since the regulation requires impartial case handling, this is usually the recommend and the only way to do it.
We are unique in offering physical meetings with whistleblowers throughout Sweden.
How to be fully compliant
Simply creating an email address or implementing a whistleblower policy is not always enough to ensure compliance. The Whistleblower Act places high demands on confidentiality, security and correct handling of cases. Complying with legislation does not always require complicated or expensive solutions; an effective whistleblower platform should be easy to use and meet the legal requirements at the same time. Below is the Swedish implementation and requirements of the EU regulation.
Whistleblower policy
Policies and procedures to inform the organization about how whistle-blowing should look and what protection it provides employees and others.
Whistleblower function
Technical and physical systems for reporting, follow-up and management, also verbal and physical reporting channels.
Case handling
Independent handling of whistleblowing, quick response response and decision making.
Let our lawyers handle and monitor your cases according to the regulations. You pay a fixed price, nothing more. We make sure that you follow the regulations.
0-99 employees
790 SEK/month
SEK 0 starting fee
All reporting channels required by law
Handling of unlimited amount of cases
Personalized support
>249 employees
Starting fee in offer
All reporting channels required by law
Handling of unlimited amount of cases
Personalized support
100-249 employees
1190 SEK/month
SEK 0 starting fee
All reporting channels required by law
Handling and investigation of unlimited amount of cases
Personalized support
We are unique in offering investigation as a part of the fixed price.
Reports need to be reviewed within 7 days. Thereafter, we'll provide you with a recommendation. If the case needs to be investigated, you have 3 months to complete it.
In our larger package you will get the investigation included in the fixed price, no matter the number of cases we investigate. In the smaller package you'll get unlimited amount of case reviews, and have to pay on a case by case if it needs investigation.
Be compliant in minutes
Our whistleblower service is a comprehensive solution that offers your employees and stakeholders a safe and secure way to blow the whistle, so that you as a company comply with the new law. We set up a web portal, a telephone number, a mail channel and a physical channel where cases can be reported. We ensure that feedback on the matter takes place within the statutory time frame.
The matter is handled in a secure and encrypted system. We act as case managers and conduct a dialogue between you and the whistleblower. By law, the whistleblower has the option of being anonymous.
Our whistleblower system
Web platform
Save time and focus, let us monitor your cases. All cases need to be followed up at different time intervals, we make sure this is followed.
Telephone line
The whistleblower has the opportunity to report cases through our phone line.
Mail & meetings
Employees can report by mail to our office, or schedule a physical meeting anywhere in Sweden with our network of lawyers. A requirement by law.
This is included
Policies & routines
We establish a document for your organization that complies with whistleblowing regulations. You just upload it to your intranet and inform employees with our presentation material.
Oral, physical meetings and mail (legal requirement)
We are responsible for all reporting channels: oral channel via phone, mail and physical meetings all over Sweden, all required by the regulation.
Web portal
With a link to your own reporting system, everyone in your organization gets a safe, secure and anonymous reporting channel.
Finally, we compile a recommendation on what the next step regarding whistleblowing is and let you know.
Monitoring & management
We monitor and handle incoming whistleblowing and initiate contact with the whistleblower to gather the necessary information.
Every language
Our platform supports all languages. This entails increased usability for whistleblowers something the regulation calls for.
Why is this needed?
Regulation updates 17 Dec 2023
In 2019, the EU whistleblower directive was introduced to keep track of everyone's compliance with EU rules and protect those who report wrongdoing. In Sweden, the directive was introduced as a law (2021:890) known as the whistleblower law, to protect individuals who report misconduct. On 17 December 2023, a requirement to have systems and policies for whistle-blowing will be introduced for all companies with over 50 employees.
Customer case
Because we are growing quickly, we have been talking to the Swedish Work Environment Agency about the Whistleblower Act in particular. Shortly afterwards we emailed Tissla and two days later we had our internal policy set up and a reporting channel for whistleblowing. Professional and flexible - highly recommend.
Christopher, CFO Bilnet